Again it's been a while since I've been on her to write anything. The last time I was just getting ready to leave on my vacation to California. So California was fun! We had bad weather the first half of the trip but it got better towards the end of it. So that was good. We went to Disneyland our last two full days and the weather was gorgeous! The last time we had gone we had the opposite weather super hot at the beginning of the week and cold by the end. i must admit I'd like to go out there and have nice weather the entire time but ending with nice weather at Disney was better than walking around in the rain. One of the highlights was our cousin Ben and his wife Suzanne. We had so much fun with them. We went to their house our first day in town and hung out and it was so much fun!! Then he took us flying our last day there again, we had so much fun!! It was a perfect way to begin and end our vacation!!
This blog is my way of reminding myself to enjoy my life. Things change so quickly in this world and I never want to take anything for granted. The last couple years(especially this last year)I have felt like I was lost, wandering aimlessly from nothing to nothing... I quit a job i probably shouldn't have and went back to a job I probably shouldn't have and now I feel like the door I forced open is closing. I am not happy where I'm at(to be blunt). I have to get up at 4:50am every morning and every morning I could cry. Yes, this is my own doing and I have to live with the consequences of not being obedient to or waiting on God, but I do feel like my life (albeit tortoise paced)is getting back on track to where I am supposed to be. i hope that the change is coming quickly and that I can get things turned around by the new year but I am going to wait for God to open the right doors this time and not take matters into my own hands. I have said all that to say yes there are parts of my life that stink right now(who isn't going through something), but there are other parts that I really am enjoying too! I know this post turned into me rambling but if I'm the only one who reads it good.If someone else comes and reads it too AWESOME... and I hope I didn't just bore you to tears. :)
Oh and I'll be posting some California pictures soon!!