Thursday, September 30, 2010


It's almost of the best times of the year. No it's not a holiday..or maybe it is..more like a floating holiday you can take any time of the year you want.. Vacation! It has been over two years since my last real vacation. We plan them all the time but to actually go on one...well that's a different story. But,we finally did it and i'm so excited. We are going to California! We're going to visit our "sister". She's our best friend but more like family now. Come to think of it two years ago our last vacation was to see her too. i cannot believe it's been two years since I've had a real go-out-of-town-and-forget-about-your-real-life kinda vacation. And boy do I need this! You don't realize how much you really need to get away and refresh yourself until you're on the brink of it. This whole week I have felt overwhelmed and exhausted(that could be in part because I've been going non-stop...just worked out that way). But God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. So I am believeling that with this vacation comes a time of refreshing, peace and happiness. I'm gonna soak up the sun and enjoy every single minute of the time I'm away and come back strengthened and ready for whatever God has in store for me!

Monday, September 27, 2010

California Girls

So, yes I am going to post two today since it's been so long since I actually posted. I've been very busy the last couple months. I started school at the end of August. I'm going online for Computer Information Systems.Yes, I am proud to be a Computer Nerd... So, school work is very consuming,then with work, school stuff and traveling..this past weekend was Fort Wayne, this coming weekend is California!!!!! Even though i'll still have to do homework(which I will make minimal)I am so excited to be going to see my Best Friend Tiffany!! We are going to the San Diego Zoo, Disneyland,dinner with my cousins, and a whole bunch of other things!! I don't really care what we do as long as we are having a blast while doing it, which of course, we always do! Since the weather will be in the low 60's here in Indiana I am very excited it'll be in the mid-70s out there!! Yay for warm weather.It has been two years since we've seen Tiffany and although we talk to her on Skype once a week it's so much better to see them. I already don't want to leave. It would be so awesome to find an awesome job out there and an awesome apartment, and just stay..okay? OKAY! I'll definitely post all the fun we had out there, and what we did!

Ichthus and Other Stuff

Okay, one day I WILL get the hang of this thing!! It's been what two mionths since my last post...Sorry.. I spent the last hour and a half trying to sign in because I couldn't remember my password, only to find I had the wrong email. For someone who loves computers and technology I just wasn't do very well today..oh well... I'll use the excuse that I was partying all weekend at a concert...well..becasue I was. We went with a family on Friday night to Fort Wayne for a concert called Ichthus, where a whole bunch of artists come and play, and we camped out there..which in Indiana, this time of year, means we FROZE! It's that time of year when you never know what you're going to get. We didn't get the rain we were supposed to but we got the cold, and since no open fires were allowed we were huddled (the 7 of us) in a circle as close as close as camping chairs would allow. In the middle we had our propane lantern as a fire... Good Times. Actually, we had a blast! The bands were amazing!! I was so moved by some of the testimonies of those guys! I hear all their music on the radio and some of it is played over and over and over. I get tired of hearing some of the songs. But when you're at a concert and they can explain to you the reason they wrote the songs, and how those things have impacted their life, to me, it just made me love those songs even more all over again. I wasn't tired of hearing them anymore. As the lead singer in one of the bands said, "These songs aren't just lyrics we write because they are fun or just because we like them. These songs are our life on paper." I was so moved by what he said that night. After the whole things was over I told my sister I was gonna spend a lot of money on music. :) But, it was the best experience! I haven't been to a lot of concerts at all... I can count 1 concert and a few concerts where there were more than one band playing when I was in highschool. But after Icthus, I am planning on seeing a lot more!! I told my sister we needed to start looking up upcoming concerts because I have to hear all these artists